Established in 1974, Kanahooka High educates and nurtures its
students in a caring and inclusive environment. The school is set in extensive,
landscaped grounds and supplements its own facilities with local sporting
centres nearby.
Facilities: Computer rooms, library, hall, tennis courts, sports
fields, drama room, basketball courts, darkroom, art and music rooms,
specialist rooms for practical subjects.
Electives Years 7 to 10: A comprehensive range including Technics,
Visual Arts, Japanese, Textiles Technology, Sports Studies, Photography, Food
Technology, Italian, Information Software and Technology and Graphics
Electives Years 11 and 12: A comprehensive range including Physics,
Chemistry, Legal Studies, Japanese, Visual Arts, Industrial Technology, Ancient
History, Modern History, Italian, Economics, Geography, Home Science,
Engineering Studies, Software Design and Development, Information Processes and
Technology, Music, PD/Health/PE, Business Studies, Hospitality (VET), Information
Technology (VET), Business Services (VET), and Retail (VET).
Sport: A comprehensive range including rugby union and rugby league,
basketball, netball, soccer, tennis, squash, hockey, softball, lawn bowls,
cricket, volleyball. Recreational: aerobics, golf, tennis, squash and swimming.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, dance, school band, Mock
Trial, Young Achievers’ Awards, Youth of the Year competition.
Welfare and personal development: The student council takes a
responsible role in school governance. There is an extensive peer support and
student welfare network, which works in conjunction with rewarding positive
behaviour, a gold card scheme, and a strong house system. Senior students are
taught leadership skills that they extend to the juniors through a “vertical”
roll system. Careers guidance is ongoing, with programmed lessons in Years 9
and 10. Students are assisted in achieving their academic goals through the
study skills program, and workplace learning opportunities are offered in Years
9 to 11.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: approximately 600 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:Roberts Street, Dapto 2530
- Phone:02 4261 4011
- Fax:02 4261 4700