Established in 1969, James Busby High is situated in a fast-growing area of south-west Sydney. The school takes pride in its strong stance against violence and harassment as well as the strong harmony that exists between people from different backgrounds and cultures. Community involvement in the school is an important part of school life and a homework centre is run outside school hours. The school has a support unit with five classes — three IM and two IO.
Facilities: Playing fields, gardens, three computer rooms, internet access throughout the school, new library, new outdoor shade area.
Electives: Examination subjects for Years 9 and 10 include all the core subjects as well as Child Studies, Computing Studies, Dance, Government Law and Society, Human Movement, Music, Photography, Cabinetwork, Electronics, Visual Arts, Food Technology, and German.
HSC students are able to choose from the full range of traditional subjects as well as vocational subjects in the areas of Information Technology, Hospitality, Retail, and Office Administration. The school also participates in the VET program.
Sport: Summer — basketball, oztag, seven-a-side soccer, volleyball, softball, touch football, table tennis, European handball, cricket. Winter — hockey, soccer, seven-a-side soccer, basketball, netball, softball, volleyball, table tennis. There are also swimming, athletics and cross-country carnivals and inter-school knock-out competitions.
Extracurricular activities: Drama, debating, dance, computing, photography, school band, school musical, competition sports. Public speaking is very popular with students participating in internal school competitions and many outside competitions. There is also a school radio station.
Welfare and personal development: A student welfare system encourages behaviour ownership and preventative measures through conflict resolution and peer mediation skills, peer support, and pastoral care. Student leadership is developed through the SRC and prefects. A support system (CAS) exists for students at risk. A welfare team consisting of a head teacher, deputies, school counsellors, and Year advisers support the school welfare policy. Careers education starts in Year 9.