Glenmore Park High School is a dynamic, innovative and caring
educational community where all students can learn. The curriculum is
extensive, rigorous, adaptive and reflective of the needs, capacities and
interests of the students.
High academic achievement is promoted through effective programs,
quality learning and clear outcomes. A welfare and pastoral care system
underpins the learning programs to ensure learning occurs. High standards of
behaviour and uniform are expected. Emphasising traditional values, the school
is involved in creating an engaging, disciplined, caring learning place where
young people learn to take their place as responsive, active and successful
members of our community.
Facilities: A careers centre and computerised library resource
centre accommodates two computer rooms. A further two computer rooms and
connected classroom forms part of a school-wide network with internet access. A
recent addition is the science agricultural plot. Specialist science labs,
drama, music and dance performance spaces, fitness lab, darkroom, specialist
visual arts spaces, sporting fields and courts, school hall, indoor courts.
Electives Year 7 to 10: History, Geography, Commerce, Work
Education, French, Design & Technology, Food Technology, Technics, Music,
Drama, Dance, Visual Arts, Computing Studies, Sports Science, Textiles.
Electives Years 11 & 12: English, Chemistry, Ancient History,
Business Studies, Design & Technology, Visual Arts, Video & Digital
Imaging, Drama, Software Design & Development, Information Processes &
Technology, Mathematics, Biology, French, Information Technology, PD/Health/PE,
Sport Senior Science, Photography, Dance, Physics, Modern History, Legal
Studies, Food Technology, Music. A full range of VET courses are available,
including Information Technology, Business Services, Hospitality, Metals &
Engineering in the Trade Training Centre and Office Administration.
Sport: Swimming, athletics, cross-country. A comprehensive range is
offered through integrated sport and knockout competitions. Students enter a
range of CHS sports. Leisure sports include water skiing, golf, bike riding and
Extracurricular activities: Dance and Drama groups, concert band and
choir, Schools Spectacular, Tournament of Minds, Maths, Science and Geography
Welfare and personal development: An extensive student welfare
system provides personal care and attention. A reward scheme encourages
positive motivation and student leadership is promoted. Special university
mentors and peer support programs support students. The Positive Behaviour for
Learning Program supports all students through the focus on a school-wide code
of conduct.
Special features: Glenmore Park High School features extensive
performance facilities and the latest in technology. Individual skills and
talent are encouraged through student’s personal interest projects within the
gifted and talented program.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 735 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:Glenmore Parkway, Glenmore Park 2745
- Phone:02 4733 0155