Established in 1969, Fairvale High School is a high-performing,
high-demand school which focuses on personal best in a disciplined environment.
The school has a strong learning culture, has high expectations of students and
insists on high standards in learning and behaviour.
The school has qualified and experienced staff and offers students a
broad choice of courses. The curriculum offers traditional core subjects such
as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Personal Development, Health
and Physical Education and History. Fairvale High School is close to the CBD of
Fairfield. Fairfield West is located midway between Parramatta and Liverpool.
The area is culturally diverse and residential. The area is surrounded by
extensive parklands including the magnificent Western Sydney Regional Park and
Equestrian Centre. Excellent transport facilities are available to the major
centres of Sydney, Parramatta and Liverpool.
The school has an excellent reputation in the local and wider
community and as such, is a high demand school by parents. Parents seek a
school where students have the opportunity to seek excellence and achieve their
personal best in a disciplined environment where traditional values are
augmented with innovative teaching and learning practices.
Electives: In addition, students may study Visual/Performing Arts,
Technological Studies, Languages, Geography, Commerce, Business Studies, Spanish
and French.
Special programs: Students learning English are supported by a
faculty of ESL and Learning support staff. Enrichment program for gifted and
talented students.
Opportunities for all students to succeed in their areas of interest
including Dance, Drama, Art and Music, participation in national and
international competitions — English, Maths, Science, Vocational Education
courses in Hospitality, Business Services, Retail, ICT and Construction.
Extension classes in Maths, English and History are also available.
Highly successful student leadership programs — Student
Representative Council, LEO’s Club, Rotary programs, outstanding outdoor
adventure and camping opportunities including Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
and Personal Development/Health/Physical Education, interschool public speaking
and debating programs, hands-on environmental programs including bush
regeneration and recycling, strong links with local primary schools, industry
and community organisations, innovative careers program guiding students from
school to further study, training or work, interschool sport competitions,
adult education courses including a parent HSC class.
Student support service and programs: Overseas student contact
person, student welfare and support staff, careers resource centre with two
careers advisers, student mediators, learning support teachers, learning
centres, school counsellors, peer support and peer mediation programs, Student
Representative Council, Student Interest Clubs.
Special features: Extensive sporting fields, well-maintained
buildings, grounds and gardens, well-equipped library with Internet access,
eight computer laboratories with internet access, well-equipped science and
technology laboratories, Junior and Senior learning centre supported by teacher
mentor, indoor and outdoor sporting facilities.
The school has achieved outstanding results in the HSC, with over 90
per cent of students proceeding to Tertiary Studies.
Famous ex-student: Tony Popovic, Bill Harrigan.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1000 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:The Horsley Drive, Fairfield 2165
- Phone:02 9727 2111
- Fax:02 9724 3496