Caroline Chisholm College, located in Glenmore Park, provides
Catholic education for girls in Years 7 to 12. Each student is educated to
recognise and realise her potential and challenged to use her gifts to serve
others and enrich society. The students are encouraged to emulate the values
lived by Caroline Chisholm and exemplified in the school motto “Faith, Courage,
Facilities: A spacious library and air-conditioned classrooms,
wireless access throughout the college, performing arts space, modern science
laboratories, technology rooms, visual arts and music facilities (including a
digital recording studio), a learning centre and data projectors throughout.
Facilities exist to teach across an extensive subject range.
Electives: A breadth of curriculum choices exists for students, with
increasing options in Years 11 and 12. Some of these include Agriculture,
Biology, Business Services, Business Studies, Chemistry, Commerce, Computing
Studies, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Early Childhood, English, Family
and Community Studies, Food Technology, Geography, History (Ancient and
Modern), Hospitality, Information Technology, Japanese, Legal Studies,
Mathematics, Music, PD/Health/PE, Photography and Digital Media, Physics,
Primary Industries, Religious Education,
Science, Society and Culture, Studies of Religion, Textiles and Design,
Visual Arts and educational initiatives including VET and Penrith/Blue
Mountains Business Industry Partnership links.
Sport: There is strong participation in Parramatta Diocese Secondary
Schools Sports’ Association in athletics, basketball, cross-country running,
dance, gymnastics, hockey, netball, soccer, softball, swimming, touch football,
and volleyball. Internal sport time provides a range of options including:
Years 7 and 8: Netball, basketball, jump rope, soccer, modified
games, cricket, softball, dance, European handball, volleyball, AFL,
life-saving, indoor sports, badminton and oztag.
Years 9 and 10: Touch football, oztag, self-defence, yoga, indoor
sports, aerobics, gym, dance, volleyball, swimming, aqua golf, softball,
skating and fitness classes.
Co-curricular activities: Debating, public speaking, Mock Trial,
writers’ competitions, school musical, choir, instrumental groups, academic
competitions, enrichment and extension programs, special needs programs,
equestrian participation, representation at Royal Easter Show and Penrith Show,
Amnesty International, social justice group, St Vincent de Paul group, visual
arts competitions and exhibitions, annual open nights in creative arts,
technology, science, college magazine, Caritas Australia.
Welfare and personal development: Good relationships within the
college community contribute significantly to the sense of wellbeing and the
quality of learning of all students. Students participate in the pastoral care
program, peer support program, reflection days and retreats. Each home-room
teacher cares for and takes a special interest in each student in the
home-room. The counsellor works with students to listen, support and empower.
Year leaders and their assistants develop an overall sense of the progress,
achievements, difficulties and spirit of the students in the year. Student
leadership is promoted.
A merit award scheme for achievement and improvement is in place. A
careers adviser assists students in Years 10 to 12. Home-school communication
is fostered and parental involvement is encouraged.
School Information
- Type: Catholic
- Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Girls
- Faith-based: Catholic
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 955 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees:
- Address:90–98 The Lakes Drive, Glenmore Park 2745
- Phone:02 4737 5500
- Fax:02 4733 1054