Caringbah High is a selective and co-educational high school aiming
to provide quality education in a caring and secure environment. There is a
strong sense of purpose related to student achievement, academic excellence and
to the maintenance of a high standard of social responsibility. Students are
encouraged to achieve their intellectual potential and to develop their diverse
talents and interests.
Facilities: The school is situated on pleasant grounds in Willarong
Road, within easy walking distance of Caringbah station. The recently
redeveloped site is well equipped with educational facilities, including
specialist areas such as a music centre, computer laboratories, a language
laboratory, drama room, a darkroom and a careers space. There are playing
fields for football, hockey, softball, netball, basketball, and other outdoor
sports, as well as tennis courts and a new gymnasium.
Subjects Years 7 to 10: These include English, Mathematics, Science,
History, Geography, Japanese, French, German, PD/Health/PE, Computing Studies,
Music, Commerce, Drama, Design and Technology, Technical Drawing, Visual Arts,
Textiles and Design, Wood Technology, Food Technology, Studies in Society and
Electives Years 11 and 12: These include Mathematics, Physics,
Biology, Chemistry, Computing Studies, Modern History, Ancient History, Society
and Culture, Japanese, French, German, Geography, Business Studies, Legal
Studies, Economics, Engineering Science, Visual Arts, PD/Health/PE, Design and
Technology, Textiles and Food Technology. A new year 9 & 10 course, Shaping
Worldviews is part of the Gifted and Talented Education Program. There is also
provision for acceleration where gifted, motivated and self-directed students
undergo a program of learning that is both compacted and intensive in a
specific subject area.
Sport: Teams in most traditional competitive sports are fielded by
the school and several leisure options are available.
Extracurricular activities: Dance classes, debating, public
speaking, school bands and ensembles, drama and music productions, Tournament
of Minds. There are also art, environment, innovative technology and computer
Welfare and personal development: The school philosophy is “To
Encourage, Rather Than Coerce”. The discipline code is clearly set out, with
students fully aware of their responsibilities towards their own learning. A
system of achievement certificates is in place to reward students for their
efforts in both academic and social areas. Trained senior students befriend and
support Year 7 students in the buddy program. The school is currently focusing
on Positive Psychology as a strategy to enhance student and staff welfare.
Special features: Programs include an acceleration program, a
careers program, a work experience program, executive shadowing, music
performance and instrumental programs. There is a very active environmental
School Information
- Type: Government Selective
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: around 900 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:Willarong Road, Caringbah 2229
- Phone:02 9524 3859
- Fax:02 9524 3232