Established in 1958, Cabramatta High is committed to providing
students with a quality, comprehensive education. It has an Intensive English
Centre, a special education unit and a gifted and talented program. The wide
variety of programs and activities offered are designed to meet the needs and
interests of individual students and are widely acknowledged as examples of
good practice. In recent years Cabramatta High has won state awards for
innovation, community and the environment. Cabramatta High has an experienced
and committed staff with a number of senior HSC markers and textbook authors.
The 11-hectare site is leafy and peaceful, providing students with a safe
environment in which to pursue their study or leisure activities.
Facilities: The school has an air-conditioned assembly hall and
lecture theatre, with the latest in audio-visual and digital equipment, covered
outdoor learning areas, a senior learning centre with computer work stations, a
well-equipped air-conditioned library, seven computer laboratories, free
after-school HSC tutorials, a homework centre catering for all students with
staff available to help with their study, air-conditioned specialist rooms, a
peace garden and extensive sporting facilities (including three tennis courts
and a fully equipped, air-conditioned fitness laboratory).
The school is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar
Curriculum: The curriculum is broad and most subjects are offered.
These are designed to meet the needs of all students. Gifted and talented
students are provided with the opportunity for acceleration classes and
provisions are made for the accumulation of the HSC. An extensive range of
vocational courses is offered in addition to more traditional subjects. All
students are provided with the opportunity to study a foreign language,
including both European and Asian languages. Flexible hours are available for
Year 11 and 12 students to enable them to cope with the demands of senior
Extracurricular activities: School orchestra, school choir, drama
classes, dance, debating, public speaking, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme,
fitness club, chess club, sports and Year camps.
Welfare and personal development: The focus of the school is on
providing students with the opportunity to reach their full potential, and this
has been a vital part of the school’s tradition of service to its community.
Student wellbeing programs include student leadership, peer support, peer
mediation, peer tutoring, gender equity programs, debating and public speaking,
community service and programs with local primary schools. The senior
curriculum caters for both the academically gifted and those seeking vocational
Famous ex-students: Steve Ella, Jon English.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1365 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:Aladore Avenue, Cabramatta 2166
- Phone:02 9726 2424
- Fax:02 9726 4282