Brisbane Grammar School (BGS), founded in 1868, is a leading school for boys in Australia. The School believes in nurturing the intellectual, physical and emotional wellbeing of its students in order that they may become thoughtful, confident, contributing men of character.
Facilities: A new integrated learning facility, The Lilley Centre, which opened in 2010, provides students with a 21st-century library, and multiple teaching and learning spaces which are fully IT enabled and which offer flexibility of design allowing for new ways of teaching and learning. The specialist Middle School library caters for Years 6 to 8. There is a dedicated language computer room and specialist music technology room. In addition to the Lilley Centre’s IT capabilities, there is widespread laptop and desktop access across the School together with the phasing in of Tablet PCs, which began with Year 8 in 2010 and has been expanded to include Years 8 to 10 in 2011. Extracurricular facilities include a 20-hectare off-site sporting ground; a rowing shed on the Brisbane River; and an indoor sports centre with a heated pool, spacious court areas, cricket nets, large weight-training facility and purpose-built gymnastics arena.
Curriculum: Years 6 and 7 — English, Mathematics, Science and Studies of Society and Environment, Music, Physical Education. Across Years 6 and 7, students study one semester each of German, French, Chinese and Japanese. In Year 8 students undertake English, one foreign language (chosen from those studied in Years 6 and 7), History, Geography, Science, Mathematics, Music, Art, Drama, Physical Education and Technology Studies.
In Years 9 and 10 all students study English, Maths and Science and select two subjects out of Geography, History and Music. In addition, all students study one language from the group Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Latin. Students also undertake regular or rotational classes in Physical Education, Technology Studies and Art.
In Years 11 and 12 all students study English and a Mathematics subject. Students choose a combination of a further four subjects from the Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth Science, Technology Studies, Physical Education), the Humanities (Geography, Economics, Modern History, Ancient History), Languages (Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin) and the Arts (Music, Drama, Art). Students are required to undertake a balanced course of study.
Sport: AFL, basketball, cricket, cross-country, fencing, gymnastics, rowing, rugby, sailing, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, water polo and volleyball.
Extracurricular activities: The school has a strong tradition in music, theatrical performance, chess, debating and public speaking. Club activities cover areas of interest including astronomy, Interschool Christian Fellowship, computers, robotics, business enterprise, mooting, golf, Tae Kwon Do, Tournament of Minds and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.
Welfare and personal development: The school has a highly developed student welfare program that has at its core a personal development program. The Deputy Headmaster of Students leads a student welfare team comprising Heads of Years, Director of Boarding, Director of Student Services, Co-ordinator of Personal Development and Leadership, careers counsellor and two student counsellors who are professional, qualified psychologists.
School Information
- Type:
- Coeducational or single-sex: Single-sex, Boys
- Faith-based: Non - denominational
- Year: -
- Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
- Enrolment: 2011 1427 students, including approximately 90 boarders
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: 12k - 16k tuition $15,195 to $18,270. boarding $14,355 to $17,955.
- Address:Gregory Terrace, Brisbane 4000.
- Phone:07 3834 5200
- Fax:07 3834 5202