Alfred Deakin High is a well-maintained and attractive school, situated in a convenient, central and long-established area of Canberra. Working in partnership with the community, the school aims to provide a secure and happy environment in which students can pursue excellence within a changing society. There are strong curriculum and sporting links with local primary schools and secondary colleges. Because of close links with local embassies and high commissions, there are many overseas students enrolled.
Facilities: Five large computing laboratories, wireless network with laptops and extensive student access to computers throughout the school, Internet, own web page, mathematics lab, greenhouse horticultural facilities, fully computerised library, media studio, six science laboratories, photography laboratory and darkroom, well-equipped gymnasium with climbing wall, separate hall, ready access to indoor pool facilities, extensive playing fields and sporting grounds.
Electives: The school provides a balanced curriculum based on eight Key Learning Areas and offers three Languages Other than English (French, Indonesian, and Japanese), Extension courses in Mathematics, Science and English, an exceptional Arts program, a challenging range of Technology subjects, and an active health and fitness program.
Sport: Australian rules, soccer, rugby league, basketball, athletics, swimming, volleyball, badminton, tennis, table tennis.
Extracurricular activities: Debating, three school bands, string orchestra, two vocal groups, music tutor program, eisteddfods, Tournament of Minds, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, outdoor education, wide range of local, interstate and overseas excursions.
Welfare and personal development: Alfred Deakin High has a youth leadership program and SRC in operation, and students gain special individual attention from a tutor group program. Further assistance is available from the student welfare team, school counsellor and youth support worker. Alfred Deakin has an active P&C Association and parental involvement is welcomed.