Facilities: A large community library, community sports centre with squash courts, careers centre, specialist drama facilities, creative arts and technology studies centre, numerous computer laboratories, musical keyboard and science laboratories.
Curriculum: Given its large student population, the college can offer a broad range of VCE subjects while providing a wide range of core and elective subjects at other levels. VCAL is also offered at Year 11 and 12 levels.
Extra-curricular activities: Instrumental music is offered and camps and excursions are a vital part of the program. Each year the college puts on a musical production. A range of sports and lunchtime activities is also offered. There is a work education program including work experience for all Year 10 students.
Student welfare programs: The college has successfully instituted a course counselling program for students in the Middle School to help them decide on VCE courses and a career path. A transition program for Year 7 students includes a home-room system and extensive pastoral care at this level. The Student Representative Council plays an important role in decision making and students are encouraged to be involved fully in college life. There is a student welfare team consisting of psychologists, a social worker, an integration teacher and a speech pathologist. An ESL program caters for all year levels. The college has clear discipline procedures.