Burgmann Anglican School was established in 1999. Situated in
Gungahlin, the school strives to enhance its students’ full intellectual and
personal potential, seeking to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and
spiritual awareness needed to understand themselves, their relationship with
God and their relationship with others. The school offers education in Early
Childhood (three-year-old Playschool to Year 2), Junior School (Years 3 to 5),
Middle School (Years 6 to 8) and Senior School (Years 9 to 12).

Facilities: The school has completed construction at the Valley
Campus and will see Stages 3 (Middle School) and 4 (Hall) at the Forde Campus
completed. Existing buildings include a preschool, central resources building,
an Indonesian language and cultural centre, a chapel, a performing arts
building, senior science and design facilities, gymnasium, canteen and general

Curriculum: Early Childhood and Junior School: In addition to the
eight Key Learning Areas, all students in the Junior School participate in
music, sport and religious education programs. Indonesian is taught to all
students from Kindergarten to Year 5. All classrooms have computers and their
use is integrated into the curriculum. Students undertake art and craft in
their classrooms.

Middle School: Students in the Middle School work closely with core
teaching staff to ensure that strong pastoral care oversees the transition from
primary to secondary school. Acknowledging the increasing rate of social,
technological and environmental change in the world today, students engage in
an Integrated Studies curriculum which focuses the development of skills for a
changing world. This program is supported by strong English, Maths and Science
skills programs. Students engage in a range of electives including Visual Arts,
Information and Communications Technology, French, Indonesian, Music, Theatre
and Performance, Design and Technology, ICT and Textiles. A wide range of
leadership opportunities are presented to develop students’ communication
skills as they prepare for the senior years. The Middle School is currently
located at the Valley Campus but will relocate to new facilities at the Forde
Campus in 2011.

Senior School: The students are offered a range of elective choices
including Design and Technology, Fashion and Design, Music, French, Indonesian,
Visual Arts and Theatre Arts. All Year 9 and 10 students undertake the core
subjects English, Maths, Science, PE, Christian Living and Ethics, History, and
Geography. Year 11 and 12 students undertake English and Maths as core subjects
and choose their remaining course of study from the elective subjects on offer.
The Senior School is located at the Valley Campus.

Co-curricular activities: These include choirs, musical ensembles,
Tournament of Minds, sport, art and private instrument tuition.

Welfare and personal development: The school has a strong pastoral
care system in place and the school’s chaplains are an integral part of this.
Links between the school and community are nurtured. Educationally, students
experiencing difficulties are assisted by the enrichment teachers.

School Information

  • Type: Independent
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Anglican
  • Year: -
  • Day/Boarding: Day School
  • Enrolment: 1480 students in 2011
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options:
  • Fees: Less than 4k (2011) playschool and preschool $59 per day; early childhood and junior school (kindergarten to year 5) $4720; middle school (year 6 to year 8) $5680; senior school (year 9 to year 12) $6720.
  • Address:Cnr Gungahlin Drive and The Valley Avenue, Gungahlin 2912 and Cnr Francis Forde Boulevard and Hurrell Street, Forde ACT 2914
  • Phone:61 2 6255 7700
  • Fax:61 2 6255 7701

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