Since its designation as a selective sports high school in 1994, the school has attracted talented and motivated athletes who participate fully in the academic, cultural and sporting programs offered through the school curriculum. Located between Narrabeen Beach and Narrabeen Lakes and surrounded by playing fields, the school is well placed to take advantage of the Sydney Academy of Sport facilities, also at Narrabeen.
Facilities: Full-sized gymnasium, fitness laboratory, dance studio, sporting fields, tennis courts, access to the lake, pools, beach, staffed Independent Learning Centre, purpose-built library block, six networked computer labs, internet access in all classrooms, modern technology and applied science rooms, ceramics and photography studios, hall for public performances.
Electives Years 8 to 10: Commerce, Information & Software Technology, Design & Technology, Drama, Food Technology, French, German, Graphics Technology, Industrial Technology — Wood & Metal, History Elective, Music, Physical Activity & Sports Studies, Technical Drawing, Textiles Technology, Visual Arts.
Electives Years 11 and 12: Ancient History, Modern History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Community and Family Studies, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Economics, English (Advanced, Standard, Extension, ESL and Fundamentals), Food Technology, Geography, German (Beginners, Continuers, Extension), History Extension, Industrial Technology, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Mathematics (General, Extension 1 and 2), Music (Course 1 and 2, Extension), PD/Health/PE, Physics, Senior Science, Visual Arts. VET courses include Construction, Entertainment, Hospitality Operations and Information Technology. Content-endorsed Courses (CEC) offered include Photography, Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation.
Sport: Baseball, basketball, cricket, netball, rugby league and union, soccer, softball, surfing, swimming, tennis, touch football and volleyball. There are extra costs for some sports.
Special sports programs: The targeted sports program is designed for talented students in one of the following sports — athletics, basketball, baseball, cricket, dance, golf, netball, rugby league, rugby union, soccer, swimming, squash, tennis, touch football, triathlon. Entry is through selection trials held each February and July by the state association of each sport in conjunction with the school.
Training takes place before school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Students offered places in the targeted sport program receive highly specialised coaching and training from state association-endorsed coaches. The program has links with the NSW Academy of Sport and the University of NSW. Coaching charges of $200 to $350 per term apply.
Extracurricular activities: Band, dance, debating, drama, music.
Welfare and personal development: Well-defined and communicated welfare structures ensure all students are able to take advantage of the educational opportunities available. The school has revised its discipline and welfare policy. “Good Sports at Narrabeen” is a clearly defined code of behaviour endorsed by the school community. Charity work, peer support SRC and prefect bodies are key leadership features. Specialist assistance is available for students with non-English-speaking backgrounds. The school has a program of learning support for students who need assistance. Programs are developed to cater for gifted and talented students who also have access to the independent learning centre to pursue individual learning interests. The school’s merit system encourages and recognises “personal best”.
Special features: Narrabeen Sports High has been the recipient of the Director General’s School Achievement Award in recognition of the “exceptional quality and outstanding achievements” of the school. In addition to a full curriculum leading to the awards of the School Certificate and Higher School Certificate, students selected into the targeted sport program are provided with a course of high-level coaching, training and theory in their chosen sport. The school provides an innovative educational environment for all students. In addition, its flexible pathways allow students in the special sport programs to undertake curriculum studies and training programs concurrently. The school has scholarship links with Macquarie University and the University of New South Wales.
In 2007 the school received its second Director General’s Award for School Achievement which recognised the additional outstanding teaching opportunities available to students as a result of the formation of the Peninsula Community of Schools comprising 3 secondary and 10 public schools.
Famous ex-students: Sarah Key, Nat Young, Jenny Turral, John Alexander, Russell Gartner, Scott Miller, Peter Hogan, Steve Menzies, Baz Luhrmann, Rodney van Buizen, Mo’onia Gerrard, Mark Gerrard.