Big Plans in Store for Boarding at Xavier College

As Victoria navigates through lockdowns and changing restrictions, the Xavier College Boarding House has provided a greatly needed sense of certainty for its tight-knit community.

When the 2020 lockdown forced students to decide whether to return home or bunker down on campus, every Senior student who had the option to do so decided to stay. The cohort’s decision to remain together as one highlights the unique bonds shared across the intimate senior boarding group. Head of Boarding Alex Smith says that this is thanks largely to the smaller community of boarders: “One of our greatest strengths is having a small boarding community where the boys form fantastic relationships with each other,” says Alex.

The boarding community also shares a real sense of excitement and optimism for the future. Xavier College recently released the first part of its Master Plan, which outlines a new and exciting boarding house as part of large-scale plans for the Senior Campus.

The proposed state-of-the-art boarding facility will match the exceptional quality of experience and opportunity that boarding students receive at Xavier College. The Master Plan envisages contemporary accommodation for a diverse mix of regional and urban students who wish to optimise all that the College has to offer.

In the meantime, Frankie, the golden retriever pup, was a welcome addition to the Boarding House family in 2020. If students ever need a break from their studies, or just a change of scenery, Frankie is a willing companion on walks around the immaculate College grounds.

With students from Camberwell to Calgary and everywhere in-between, the Xavier College boarding community provides an excellent environment for the next generation of young boarders. As the College expands its popular boarding services, Years 7 to 12 will be available from 2023.

You can read more about the Master Plan here:


Published by: XAVIER COLLEGE

Xavier College was founded in 1878 and is a Jesuit school. The Senior Campus stands on 40 acres, 6 kilometres […]

  • Senior Campus: (03) 9854 5411 ; Burke Hall: (03) 9855 4100
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