The core purpose of the college is to provide a broad and challenging education in order to develop each student’s skills, abilities and knowledge, which are needed as a foundation for further education, training, work and community participation. The college places a strong emphasis on developing the academic and individual abilities of each student and achievements are recognised and celebrated. This is complemented by a strong career and pathways program. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to participate in all college activities and to work with teachers in developing appropriate outcomes for their children. Admission is subject to an interview with the Principal. Uniform is compulsory in Years 7 to 12.
Facilities: Bundoora Secondary College has extensive grounds with well-equipped courtyard-style buildings including specialist areas such as a refurbished air-conditioned library and resource centre. It has specialised science, computer and music laboratories to enhance student learning. The canteen operates from early in the morning to provide breakfast for students until the end of lunchtime each day. The college has a refurbished gymnasium and drama studio, a personal fitness weight-training facility, a refurbished and modern food centre and art/craft areas (which also includes multimedia, woodwork, fashion and ceramics). The sporting facilities have been enhanced with a full synthetic athletics track on the grounds.
Curriculum: Years 7 and 8 students complete a common curriculum through comprehensive learning programs based on the eight national curriculum areas of the Arts, English, Mathematics, Science, LOTE, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Technology. In Years 9 and 10, students benefit from a core curriculum and select from an extensive range of electives. All students study German as a LOTE subject and participate in sport education. Students have access to a wide range of VCE subjects with an increasing number of vocational education and training courses offered, including VCAL, as options for students, providing access to University, TAFE, VET and work. Bundoora’s Health Program is unique in public education and offers students advanced entry to accessing a pathway into a range of health and community services areas. A particularly unique opportunity provided as a part of this program is the provision of two university subjects delivered as part of the students’ Year 12 program. These subjects provide the participating students with all of the advantages associated to completing university subjects and are completely HECs free.
Sport: Sport education is a core component of the Years 7 to 9 curriculum and is complemented by an extensive inter-school sporting program from Years 7 to 12.
Extra-curricular activities: Musical instrument tuition is provided and this is utilised in music and drama performances and the senior and junior school band. Photography, video/TV production, art exhibitions, drama production, excursions, camps, Student Representative Council, the College Magazine Committee and debating are some of the activities available to all students. Year-level camps assist students in the development of independence, self-reliance and social skills. As of 2014 there will be a senior international camp to support the study of LOTE – German.
Student well-being programs: Bundoora Secondary College provides a caring and supportive staff who, together with the College Wellbeing Team and the Student Engagement Guidelines, provide an environment where students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds work co-operatively with each other. The size of the college ensures every student and teacher is well-known, and has a specific identity — building confidence and ensuring positive relationships are developed. There is a Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator and a Careers and Pathways Co-ordinator to support a team of staff to provide ongoing support and guidance for every student.