Newcomb Secondary College caters for 600 students in Years 7 to 12 who reside in Newcomb, Whittington, Leopold, St AlbansPark, East Geelong, Moolap and the rural areas of the BellarinePeninsula. The size of the college allows all students to be known well.
Curriculum: The curriculum is based on sequential studies to Year 8 across the learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, the Arts, SOSE, LOTE (Indonesian), Physical Education and Health. In the Middle Years, students experience the broadest range of studies, to enable informed decision-making to develop a pathway that will lead to further education, training or employment. An outstanding Middle Years program includes the option of an accelerated entry program from Year 7. The Senior Years’ programs provide extensive options for students that incorporate VET in the VCE, SBNA (School Based New Apprenticeships), VCAL and VCE studies. A pathway planning process operates for all students. NewcombSecondaryCollege has unique partnerships with both the Gordon TAFE and DeakinUniversity to support student learning and maximise opportunities for tertiary study.
Co-curricular activities: Newcomb offers many opportunities for students to participate in a variety of educational activities including intra and inter-school sporting competitions and regional and state-level opportunities. Other activities include international visits to Newcomb’s sister school in Japan, annual student visits to Lombok Indonesia, college productions, the annual week long NSC Bike Tour, instrumental music tuition, the college band program and other community arts projects. Student leadership and academic participation in Lions and Rotary public speaking, along with community volunteering are features of NewcombSecondaryCollege.
Student welfare programs: The wellbeing and management policies emphasise our core college expectations: be respectful, be a learner and work together. NewcombSecondaryCollege provides excellent support for students on the Program for Students with Disabilities and offers a breadth of career, pathway planning and vocational and further education advice. A chaplain, youth workers, school nurse, student support staff and Learning Mentors work with students. Newcomb is proud of the relationship and involvement it has with the broader community.