Swan Reach is a rural community two hours north-east of Adelaide. The R – 12 school services a community employed in diverse agri-businesses including dry-land farming, irrigation and horticulture. A community kindergarten/play centre and community library are on campus. The school owns and operates an agri-enterprise of 4 hectares, including a vineyard and citrus grove, propagation shed/greenhouse and market gardens. This permits exposure to hands-on agricultural education and enterprise.
The school’s learning priorities are Individual Student Outcomes and Teacher Quality, which seek to enhance student connection and achievement. Japanese is taught R – 9 with students having the option to study SACE level languages. Programs are tailored to an individual student’s needs and include a broad range of subject choices including university pathways, vocational education and training options and school-based apprenticeships or traineeships.
Facilities: Air-conditioned; land for agricultural and horticultural activities; Community Library, a grassed playing oval; heated Swimming Pool, sealed courts for Tennis and Basketball and Netball are located on the school grounds. A Sports and Community Centre is situated next to the school oval.
Electives Years 7 to 10: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art, Health & Physical Education, Design & Technology, Civics & Citizenship, Economics & Business and Language (Japanese), Pedal Prix, Music Ensemble and Investment Club.
Electives Years 11 and 12: English, Mathematics (Applications, & Studies), Biology, Nutrition, Physical Education, Japanese, Material Products, Creative & Visual Arts, Music (Music Technology, Ensemble, Solo, Special Interest), PLP, Research Project, Information Processing & Publishing.
Sport: Swimming and Athletics, SAPSASA & SSSSA activities.
Extracurricular activities: Acquaintance Night, Senior First Aid Certificate, Pedal Prix, Swimming, Football and Gymnastics or Dance lessons.
Welfare and personal development: Home Class Teachers, Course and Career Counselling.
Special features: VET programs, SRAS, Cadet Unit of the SR CFS; Negotiated Education Special Needs Plans.