Meningie Area School provides a broad, general curriculum from R-10 with opportunity to complete SACE in senior secondary to the students of its district. Its mission is to ensure equitable educational outcomes for all its students, whilst striving for excellence.
Electives Years 6 to 9: Maths, English, SOSE, Technology, Science, Art, HPE, German.
Electives Years 11 and 12: English, Maths, Science, SOSE, PE, Agriculture, Art, German, Home Economics, Materials Technology, Photography, Vocational Education, Training Programs in Automotive and Health Support Services.
Sport: Swimming, Athletics, Softball, Football, Netball, Cricket, Cross Country, SAPSASA and SSSSA, State Cross Country.
Extracurricular activities: Agriculture, Sailing, Swimming, Music.
Welfare and personal development: Student Representative Council, the Mini SRC, Active 8 programs, Duke of Edinburgh, the Monarto Zoo project and House Captaincy.
Special features: Connecting Spirits is a joint project between Meningie Area School and Birdwood High School which involves students travelling to the World War 1 battlefields, cemeteries and memorials of France and Belgium.