Ardrossan Area School provides a challenging learning environment in which all students’ talents can be fostered. The school serves families living along the northern coastal strip of eastern Yorke Peninsula. Local employment is centred on retailing, mining, agriculture and health services.
The school’s values are success, respect and fairness. Its students strive to be productive learners who are well equipped to meet future challenges in the local and global community. Most students complete all their education at the school which has close links with the kindergarten. The school is well resourced and a high value is placed on information and communication technology.
Senior school programs are tailored to an individual student’s needs enabling them to pursue university pathways, vocational education and training options, and school-based apprenticeships. Courses are also accessed from other local schools, the open access college and registered training organisations.
Subjects/Electives Years 7 to 10: English, Mathematics, Personal Learning Plan-Stage 1, Science, Society and Environment (1 semester), Certificate I in Information Technology (1 semester).
Year 10 – Work Experience in Term 3 and undertake one semester of each of the following: Art, Home Economics, Physical Education, Design and Technology.
Extracurricular activities: Programs that support sport, music and outdoor learning are in place across the school.
Welfare and personal development: School Support Officers.