Kingston State College is located centrally within the Logan district and occupies the southern portion of Kingston Hill. The College encompasses two dynamic campuses, an 8-12 State High School with 679 students and a Continuing Centre for Secondary Education (CCSE) with 230 part-time students.
Kingston State College features a natural woodland environment and has extensive specialist facilities for all traditional curriculum areas. School resources cater for a wide range of curriculum offerings in academic and vocational subjects.
The school boasts ample playing fields and courts and is the only school in the district with its own swimming pool.
Facilities: Community Hall, Bush Tucker garden, sports fields for tennis, basketball, softball, rugby, soccer and handball, homework centre, swimming pool, technology – computer lab, smartboards.
Subjects/Electives Years 7 to 10: Maths, English, Science, History/Geography, Health & Physical Education, 3 Electives.
Extracurricular activities: Leadership activities, sporting activities, subject-specific competitions such as the ICAS competitions, excursions and trips, creative generations, vocal ensemble, band and ensemble, artistic impressions, awards night, Hype, Bring it on, Spark it up, Logan idol, eisteddfods, student council, Opti-minds, chess competitions, art exhibitions, public speaking and debating, programs of excellence in academic, drama, dance, music, art and sport, charity fundraising or community volunteering, drama club.