Curriculum: St James College offers all boys a broadly based, comprehensive education including TAFE accredited studies and VCE units for Years 9 and 10 students, preparing young men for life-long learning. Major learning areas include Religious Education and the traditional core subjects, along with specialist studies in Languages, Arts and Technology. St James College is a specialist Middle Years college addressing the particular needs of this age group. Extension and cultural activities include: Drama and Performing Arts, Music, Debating, Public Speaking, Chess, as well as subject competitions. The Applied Learning Co-ordinator facilitates the VET programs and is the liaison for TAFE and Pathway courses. Students are encouraged to participate in Social Action work through Lasallian Service and other opportunities.
Sport: Physical activity is an important part of St James College life with the young men involved in athletics, football, basketball, cricket, cross-country, hockey, soccer, swimming, tennis and volleyball. Inter-school competition is enthusiastically supported, with highly successful results.
Student welfare programs: St James College is committed to caring for the spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional needs of all the young men and takes consideration of their diverse backgrounds. St James College is a school with a strong pastoral care program and a close bond among the young men, their families and college staff. The home-room teachers and year-level co-ordinators work together with the Student Support Teacher and Counsellor to support all students.