Columba Catholic College was founded as a twin campus College in 1998 with the amalgamation of the three Catholic schools in Charters Towers. Residential accommodation is provided for boys on the Mt Carmel Campus along with Years 7-12 classrooms and for girls on the St Mary’s Campus with the P-6 classrooms. The college aims to build on the long history and proud tradition of the previous schools and to strive for excellence in education, recognising the need for the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, cultural and physical development of the whole person.

Facilities: Both residential campuses have access to swimming pools, tennis courts, ovals, basketball courts, four computer laboratories, email, Internet connections, learner support, a gifted and talented students’ program, and air-conditioned classroom and dormitory.

Curriculum Years 8 to 10: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, SOSE, Home Economics, Art, Music, Drama, Health and Physical Education, Japanese, Graphics, Agricultural Science, Computers, Business Studies, Practical Technology.

Curriculum in Years 11 and 12: Religion & Ethics, Study of Religion, Mathematics A, B and C, Modern History, Geography, Japanese, Economics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Multi-strand Science, Agricultural Science, Industrial Skills, Business Organisation and Management, Physical Education, Home Economics, Hospitality Practices, Visual Art, Creative Art, Music, Information Technology Studies, Information Communications Technology Studies, Industrial Technology Studies, Furnishings Studies, Recreation , English Communication.

Sport: Competitive — rugby league, rugby union, soccer, swimming, basketball, netball, athletics, cross-country, cricket, touch, tennis and softball. There is a special program for talented athletes. Rugby league and netball refereeing courses are offered through their Recreation studies.

Extracurricular activities: Debating, public speaking, surface fishing, art exhibitions, dramatic productions, choir, band, and horse and cattle club (including show exhibiting).

Welfare and personal development: Each student’s academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development is continually monitored by residential staff, teachers, year level co-ordinators, a counsellor, and nursing sister.

Special features: The college’s horse and cattle club specialises in the preparation, showing and judging of cattle, and receives assistance from local breeders, parents, friends and staff.

School Information

  • Type:
  • Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational

  • Faith-based: Catholic
  • Year: Year 1 - Year 12
  • Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
  • Enrolment: 600 students
  • Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
  • International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
  • ESL Support: N/A
  • Scholarships Available: No
  • Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
  • Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
  • After School Care/ OOSH Options:
  • Fees: very competitive, family group discounts, bpay and instalment options available.
  • Address:PO Box 274, Charters Towers 4820.
  • Phone:07 4787 1744
  • Fax:07 4787 4986

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