Grovedale College is a medium-sized college located in a semi-rural setting serving the southern suburbs of Geelong, together with the rural and surf coast communities to the south, east and west. Extensive educational resources enable Grovedale College to provide an academic focus together with many arts, sciences, sports and technology opportunities. VCE enhancement subjects and VET courses provide many new opportunities for university and TAFE studies and exciting pathways to the future.
Facilities: A multi-million-dollar building program has provided the college with excellent physical resources, enhancing its program and delivering an exciting, challenging and fulfilling experience. Facilities include a specialist learning technologies centre, 21st century Language Centre, state-of-the-art computer network linking all classrooms, computer pods, a computerised library resource centre, senior school study centre, state-of-the-art technology wing, visual and performing arts studios, Drama Room, gymnasium, fully equipped commercial Fitness Centre and flood lit sports ovals and courts.
Curriculum: The Grovedale approach to teaching and learning recognises that students and staff must be able to use computers and electronic learning technologies with confidence and understanding to enhance their teaching, learning and ability to participate in an evolving information technology-based world. The use of learning technologies in the classroom to enhance higher order thinking skills and independent learning is a priority at Grovedale College. All students and staff have access to extensive college computer resources including the intranet, Ultranet and the internet. A notebook program operates across Years 7 to 10, while students in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to use notebooks in their classes. Senior Maths and Science students have a net book each and participate in the eLMs Program (e-Learning in Maths and Science). All Year 9 to 12 students will have access to net books as part of the 1:1 learning initiative.
Sport: An extensive inter-school and house sport program provides students with the opportunity to develop personal skills and fitness and to enjoy the benefits of teamwork in the spirit of healthy competition. The college’s unique location and proximity to the Surf Coast, Corio, Port Phillip Bay and the Otway Ranges allow for a comprehensive outdoor education and excursions program to operate. Surfing, kayaking, snorkelling, bodyboarding, windsurfing, bike riding, horse riding, rock climbing and lifesaving are all part of the program. Grovedale College Sports Academy is a unique elite program combining academic, sporting and leadership training within the college curriculum. Specialist coaches and trained staff developed and deliver the program which provides students with clear pathways into future tertiary studies.
Extra-curricular activities: The college successfully participates in public speaking programs, Tournament of the Minds, inter-school debating and Australian subject competitions that include English, mathematics, science, arts and technology. Student leadership is an integral part of the school culture. An active leadership program exposes students to challenges that develop personal and social skills, confidence, initiative and self-reliance. This is achieved through a broad range of activities such as student council, Peer Support, supportive friends, student welfare action group, camps program, the Surf Lifesaving and Country Fire Authority programs (as part of the Advance Program) The annual Grovedale Arts Festival for All and annual Arts Exhibition highlights the extensive Visual and Performing Arts program operating at the college. A strong instrumental music program provides students with opportunities to learn on both an individual and group basis and to perform in a range of ensembles. Regular musical and theatrical productions involve students at all year levels. A college choir also operates.
Student welfare programs: Grovedale College places a high profile on student support with a full-time welfare co-ordinator, full time chaplaincy program, School Nurse Program, work education and careers co-ordinator, Retention Officer, Home Group and sub-school teams and student welfare action group.
School Information
- Type: Government
- Coeducational or single-sex: Coeducational
- Faith-based: None
- Year: Year 7 - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day and Boarding
- Enrolment: 730 students
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: No
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered:
- ESL Support: N/A
- Scholarships Available: No
- Gifted and Talented Program: N/A
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre:
- After School Care/ OOSH Options:
- Fees: Free (Government School)
- Address:19 Wingarra Drive, Grovedale 3216
- Phone:03 5245 4545
- Fax:03 5245 4577