Meriden is an Anglican day school for girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. Meriden offers a high-quality and balanced education for young women.
Founded in 1897, it is one of Sydney’s leading independent schools. The school is characterised by outstanding academic performance, an innovative and challenging curriculum, a supportive learning environment. Meriden offers a wide range of sport, music and co-curricular opportunities. Meriden is centred on the Christian faith as expressed in the Anglican tradition, yet is open to all and respectful of other faiths.
Facilities: Meriden is centrally located in Strathfield and can be accessed easily by train and bus. The School comprises three adjacent campuses — Lingwood (Pre-K and K), Junior School (Years 1 to 6) and Senior School (Years 7 to 12). Facilities include a sports centre, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, heated pool, libraries at each campus, two auditoriums, STEM lab, music and performing arts centres, design and technology centre, pottery studio and multimedia facilities.
Technology: Meriden students have access to all the latest technology to ensure their education is future-proof and the girls are future-ready. In addition to interactive whiteboards, audio-visual and multimedia equipment, the School has a space dedicated to STEM with 3D printers, a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine, and virtual reality, coding and robotics technologies.
Sport: Athletics, badminton, basketball, cross-country, diving, football (soccer), hockey, netball, swimming, tennis, touch football, volleyball and water polo.
Music: Concert band, choirs, piano club, chamber ensembles, wind, string and percussion ensembles, and two orchestras
Co-curricular activities: Tennis Academy, Music Academy, ambassadors, art club, Cadets, chess club, coding club, composition club, da Vinci Decathlon, debating, green team, junior and senior science clubs, radio project, media team, STEM club, philosophy club, tech club, TED-Ed club, student Christian groups, drama, public speaking, theatre sports, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Interact, mock trial, student representative council, student fitness, Tournament of Minds, writing group.
Welfare and personal development: Meriden’s student wellbeing programs are developed and delivered by a highly-qualified team that specialises in girls’ education. These programs are supported by a pastoral care program, the services of a Chaplaincy team and a school counsellor.
Meriden’s proactive model of care recognises that a strong sense of wellbeing is essential for students to achieve their aspirations and learning goals. It also ensures that each student is known individually and encourages them to build positive relationships in all areas of their lives.
Special programs: Meriden supports the development of students of exceptional musical ability through the Amadeus Program, and of emerging elite athletes through the Olympus Program.
Meriden’s Lateral Learning Department offers a variety of innovative programs and workshops that provides students with skills and capabilities that prepare the girls for challenges and opportunities in academia, the workplace and interpersonal relationships. The key areas of the program include Global Outlook, High Potential Learning, Innovation, Speech, Research and Critical Thinking, and Technology.
From the school: Meriden is a top-performing independent school with consistent academic results in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) and in numeracy and literacy in the Junior School that far surpasses the state average. Our holistic educational approach aims to see every student reach her potential.
Meriden provides girls with a supportive community; to become young women of integrity; to take calculated risks that build confidence; to grasp leadership opportunities that enhance self-esteem; to participate in outreach initiatives that broaden their perspective. Meriden equips the girls with confidence and skills to become engaged, compassionate and empathetic leaders through opportunities for community service.
Our carefully-crafted and innovative curriculum builds students’ knowledge and skills, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our high-tech classrooms provide the girls with a future-ready education, and our focus on higher-order thinking skills sees students engage with ethics and philosophy to make sense of the world in all its complexity. Meriden offers a well-rounded and holistic education, producing well-informed and talented global citizens.
Principal: Mrs Lisa Brown
School Information

- Type: Independent
Coeducational or single-sex:
Single-sex, Girls
- Faith-based: Anglican
- Year: Pre-Kindergarten - Year 12
- Day/Boarding: Day School
- Enrolment: 1,700
- Interview Required Upon Enrolment: Yes
- International Baccalaureate Programs offered: N/A
- ESL Support: Yes
- Scholarships Available: Yes
- Gifted and Talented Program: Yes
- Preschool or Early Learning Centre: Own Preschool
- After School Care/ OOSH Options: Affiliated After School Care
- Fees: Over 16k Kindergarten - $22,960; Year 12 - $38,160
- Address:3 Margaret Street, Strathfield NSW 2135
- Phone:(61 2) 9752 9444
- HSC/VCE Subjects offered:Years 11 and 12 Mandatory Subjects: English - Advanced, Standard or EAL/D Electives: Ancient History Biology Business Studies Chemistry Chinese Continuers Chinese and Literature Chinese in Context Community and Family Studies Design and Technology Drama Economics Engineering Studies English Extension 1 Food Technology French Continuers Geography Hospitality Japanese Beginners Latin Continuers Legal Studies Mathematics or Mathematics Standard Mathematics Extension I (1 unit) Modern History Music 1 or Music 2 PD/Health/PE Physics Psychology (1 unit, Year 11 only) Society and Culture Spanish Beginners Studies of Religion (1 unit and 2 units) Visual Arts The following courses are Year 12 only: English Extension II (1 unit) History Extension (1 unit) Investigating Science Language Extension in Chinese, French and Latin (1 Unit) Mathematics Extension II (1 unit) Music Extension (1 unit) Science Extension (1 unit)
- Clubs and Extra-curricular programs:Junior School Art Club - Years 3 and 4 Bible Study - Year 6 Book Club Crusaders and Mini Cru Debating - Years 5 and 6 Drama and Movement - Years 1 and 2 Homework Club - Year 6 Library Club Minecraft Club - Years 5 and 6 RoboCup Team - Years 5 and 6 Tournament of Minds - Years 5 and 6 Extra curricular activities: Artistic gymnastics, Chess, Dance, Speech and Drama, Tennis. (These activities are operated by external providers.) Senior School Ambassadors - Year 10 Art Club - Years 7 - 12 Cadets - Years 8 - 12 Chess Club - Years 7 - 12 Club 88 (for keen pianists in Years 7 - 12) Composition Club - Years 7 - 12 Da Vinci Decathlon - Years 7 - 10 Debating - Years 7 - 11 Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Years 9 - 12 FabLab - Years 7 - 9 Fitness - Years 7 - 12 Greek Club - Years 7 - 12 Green Team - Years 7 - 12 Interact - Years 10 and 11 Library Committee - Years 7 - 12 Manga Anime - Years 7 and 8 Media Team - Years 8 - 11 Mock Trial - Years 10 and 11 Philosophy Club - Years 7 - 12 Public Speaking Competitions - Years 7 - 12 Radio Teams - Years 9 - 11 Rubics Cube Club - Years 7 - 12 Science Clubs - Years 7 - 10 Student Christian Groups - Years 7 - 12 Student Representative Council - Years 7 - 12 Tech Angels - Years 9 - 12 Tech Club - Years 7 - 12 TED-Ed Club - Years 7 - 12 Theatresports - Years 7 - 12 Tournament of Minds - Years 7 - 10 Writing Group - Years 7 - 12
- Scholarships Available:Academic Scholarships for entry in Year 7, Music Scholarships for entry in Year 7 and Sports Scholarships for entry in Year 9 or Year 10
- Special Needs Support:N/A